Monday, February 11, 2008

Post Zainab a Debt Consolidation Loan!

It won't have escaped the attention of fans of the successful BBC soap 'Eastenders' that Albert Square Post Office franchisee Zainab Masood is in severe financial difficulty and needs a minor miracle to help her out of her perilous position.

Although her financial woes are merely a sub-plot as the soap pursues other major issues, it will only be a matter of time before Zainab's situation comes to the fore. However, if Zainab was a real businesswoman and not just a fictional character what options would be available to extract her from such a dire financial situation? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer as it would depend upon several key factors relating to her business and also her own circumstances.

First, Zainab must confront the issue head on and make an honest appraisal of hers and the Post Office's finances. Preferably, she should not keep it to herself but enlist the help of debt experts and perhaps involve her nearest and dearest. Sharing the terrible burden is the first step to overcoming it.

Next she could consider a debt consolidation loan. However, as you would expect business debt consolidation is more complicated than the personal variety. Thankfully, there are many specialist companies that offer advice and they will appraise the situation and come up with the best solution, although dependent upon factors currently affecting the business.