Friday, August 10, 2007

Bring Order to Your Finances With a Personal Debt Consolidation Loan

There comes a time in your life when you will find that you are caught neck deep in debt. Look at all the cash you can easily borrow and spend - there are credit cards for the asking, personal loans, home loans, you ask for it and the money is bang on the table. And, given the ease of so much available money, anyone can get carried away and go on a spending binge. Even you. And then debt piles up. And troubles begin.

Once money has been spent, the payback clock starts ticking and if you have taken multiple loans, then you will naturally have to pay multiple installments. And there's a high chance of anyone with multiple loans getting into a situation where he cannot pay back his loans. And, if you can't pay back your loans comfortably, your credit ratings will be downgraded and when that happens, no one will be willing to lend money to you at a lower rate of interest.

And that is where personal debt consolidation loans come in. They get rid of your burden by giving you a low interest loan that sets you free from your debt trap and helps you get a grip on your finances.

Personal debt consolidation loans are loans that consolidate all your high interest debts (credit card, personal loans, etc.) and give you a loan - at a lower rate of interest - to pay them off, thereby reducing your monthly cash outflow and leaving you with enough cash for running your house.

Advantages of personal debt consolidation loans

1. These loans put your mind at ease because they replace a higher outflow with a lower, more manageable one.
2. They simplify your debt by reducing the number of bills you have to pay every month to just one.
3. These loans are given for a longer period of time and hence the payouts are small and in tune with what you earn every month.
4. If your personal debt consolidation loan is secured by your home, then the rate of interest is much lower than an unsecured consolidation loan.
5. They help you rebuild your credit history, if you pay their installments in time.
6. The biggest advantage of these loans is that they kind of get you out of a mess: out of a hole you have dug for yourself. And that's worth a lot in both monetary and non-monetary terms.

Sure, a personal debt consolidation loan will help you reduce your debt and make life hassle-free (financially), but you need discipline and commitment when it comes to paying back the loan - you just cannot afford to go back to your old ways of being a spendthrift.

There are a whole lot of companies who offer personal debt consolidation loans and it is up to you to choose the loan that is right for you. If you already have a financial advisor, then it would help things if you could take his opinion about the loan you are planning to take. So, if you are stuck in debt, go right ahead and take a personal debt consolidation loan and get rid of all the financial irritants that are causing you a pain in the neck.

Manage Your Finances - Get a Low Debt Consolidation Loan Rate

No one wants to see their family hurt by their own mistakes and parents in particular, tend to do everything to avoid causing their children grief. Unfortunately, when debt spirals out of control and the monthly payments become increasingly difficult to make, radical measures are often considered. However, rather than selling up and moving to a cheaper neighborhood, pulling your children out of school or college or doing anything else to disturb your family's equilibrium, you can consolidate your debts into one loan at a low debt consolidation loan rate. This one action could free up enough money every month to make a significant difference.

You can save a lot of money on interest charges simply by combining your current debts into a loan that has a low debt consolidation loan rate. Not only will your monthly payments decrease (possibly very substantially), you will save thousands of dollars over the loan term, have the convenience of only one payment, and have the guarantee of being debt free at the end of the term of the loan (if you use a fixed term loan to consolidate).

There are different ways you can solve your financial problems by benefiting from low debt consolidation loan rates. Home equity loans can give you highly competitive interest rates if you have adequate equity in your home. The only risk is that your home is security for the loan and if you default the lender can foreclose. You need to be honest with yourself about your payment history and likelihood of paying late. If you are consolidating debt to avoid family upheaval, you certainly don’t want to lose your house because of a missed payment.

An unsecured personal loan is the most popular consolidation option, offering a lower debt consolidation loan rate than the average credit card and line of credit. Most family debt problems are caused by high credit card balances and lines of credit, both at high commercial rates. Multiple monthly payments on different loans can add up to a lot of money and place a lot of stress on every member of your family, but particularly you and your partner.

However, as soon as you have combined all your credit cards and debts into one loan at a lower debt consolidation rate, you will be relieved of an enormous amount of stress. You will be finally in a position to move out of the red and into the black. The monthly and long term savings from debt consolidation will help you take back control of your finances. If you are wise and cancel all your credit cards and any lines of credit once you have paid out their balances, you will be out of debt at the end of the loan term and the whole process will have been painless.

Compare Debt Consolidation Quotes

If you are juggling a variety of small loan repayments, loan repayments at different interest rates or you just need the convenience of one monthly loan repayment bill, a debt consolidation loan could be the right choice for you.

All Loan Repayments in One Monthly Bill

A debt consolidation loan allows you to make one loan repayment a month that covers all your eligible loan repayments. Your credit cards or medical bills are examples of unsecured loans that are suitable for coverage under a debt consolidation loan.

Secured and Unsecured Consolidation Loans

The interest rate can be lower for a secured debt consolidation loan than for an unsecured consolidation loan. You can also borrow more money with a secured loan because you put your house up as collateral.

An unsecured consolidation loan is seen as more of a risk for the loan company, which means you have a higher interest rate and shorter repayment schedule for a lower amount of money than the secured consolidation loan.

Low Credit Scores Eligible for Consolidation Loan

Even if you have a low credit score, you will still be able to secure a consolidation loan. Your current situation and loan terms will determine whether a secured or unsecured plan is right for you. You may have to sign over your house as collateral in the case of a low credit rating.

Learn about Consolidation Loans Online

Your best way to understand about debt consolidation loans is to search the internet for information about loan consolidation lenders. Ask for quotes from lenders and note each company's interest rates, their terms and the types of loan payments that are eligible for coverage.

Calculate the Total Repayment Amount

Add up the total repayment amount for your eligible loan bills, as this amount would be before you secured a debt consolidation loan. Compare your current repayment amount with the total repayment amount for each quote that you receive. To get the best consolidation loan, you must also understand and compare the different terms of the loan from each company.