If you find yourself in major credit card debt you are not alone. It happens to many people and it can feel overwhelming. The problem can start as early as the first day of college. Credit card companies have stands offering new adults their first line of credit, but credit cards can be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. When you find that you’ve gone too far, the best thing to do is to work on eliminating your credit card debt before it wreaks havoc with other things in your life.
How to Eliminate Credit Card Debt
When you’ve reached the point where you are swimming in a pool of debt, and you are feeling overwhelmed, there are things you can do to get yourself out of the mess you’ve created.
1. Know how much you really owe-take stock of what your bills really are, and how much you really owe
2. Stop using your credit cards-if you’ve gotten to the point that you are getting those nasty calls, you’ve gone too far and it is time to immediately stop using the cards you have
3. Don’t open anymore credit cards-I know those deals for lower interest rates look tempting, but they can be deceiving, don’t take anymore of them
Sunday, December 10, 2006
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