Online Student Loan Consolidation is the best way to get your finances in order. As a Student, you may have many debts of varying amounts, payments going out at different times of the month, and spread over different time periods. It's very hard to keep track of your cash when in this situation.
By putting all your outstanding debts into one, an online student loan consolidation can offer you reduced interest and lower monthly payments.
Gone are the days when you need to worry about your debt bills escalating because you couldn't keep track of the times and amounts every month. The bank charges that were incurred because of some oversight on your part. All you'll have to think about is what plan will suit you best.
There are basically four different plans that you can opt for with online student loan consolidation. There is the 'one fits all' standard plan. The graduated plan (this will allow you to gradually increase your payments over time). The variable plan (your income will influence your payments. The more you earn, the more you pay).
And lastly, the flexible plan (If there are times when you are unable to make payment, this plan covers you).
Federal government student loan consolidation programs are a great alternative. They offer very low interest which you can feel safe in the knowledge that it's fixed. They also offer a longer repayment period, so your loan can be a lot lower, enabling you to manage your money with ease. Flexible repayments are also offered, so you are more in control of your money whilst getting your education.
There are some strict guidelines that have to be adhered to with the use of government loans. The applicant has to be an American Citizen, be over 18 years of age, be enrolled at an approved school and have good credit.
So, there are many positive factors to online student loan consolidation, just make sure you know exactly what you want from your loan and compare all your options. Remember, this is a long term commitment and you need to get the best deal possible.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Credit Card Debt - Fact or Fiction
Make no mistake about it, the banks do know better and are after one thing. Your money. In order to get it all they have to loan you more than you can afford to pay back. There are ways to avoid this and your spending habit is number on one.
To start with, for a full month go "WITH OUT". Don't spend money on what you don't "HAVE TO HAVE". Doing this will keep money in your pocket rather than a bill in the mail. We all to often love to buy now and pay later. This type of spending is the root of most all debt related problems. Further this leads to additional personal, professional and family related failures. Only you can change this spending habit. In order to grow financially we have to accept change.
For most, credit card debt is a way of life. It is the same as PBJ. Yes, the banks have been charging us interest on our credit card debts for many years. But, as the banks get smarter in their lending, new options to resolve these credit card debts become available to consumers. Then, The bankruptcy laws change to favor the banks. Wow, no surprise there. Not sure, but who funded this campaign?
As consumer debt continues to mount into the trillions, our options become more clear. We need to lookout for number one, so we don't fall in number two. With mounted debt, and a consumer knowing they can not continue the path they are on, There must be change. Their credit record may show a high score, but the facts are, there is no "credit report", there is only a "debt report". As your debt to credit ration makes up 35% of your score, your score may read high, but your borrowing power is simply not there.
Back to taking care of number one. If you say to yourself "I need help with my bills" and I can't pay my credit cards debt, you need to stop and take inventory. Go over last months spending and add up how much was useless spending, and how much was common debt. common debt is the normal monthly cost to get by.
As a consumer you have many options available to resolve your credit card debt, and or other unsecured debt. Balance transfers, and or debt consolidation loans are not the way out as you can not borrow your way out of debt. Do not fall prey to debt consolidation. Why hand your home over to a credit card company?
Clear and viable options to both bankruptcy and debt consolidation are available. As the industry of debt settlement and negations continues to grow, there are vast options and benefits that are available for consumers with unsecured credit card debt.
Things to look for in a debt settlement and negotiations company:
* Do they offer 24 hour support? Your needs do not stop, and neither should the support.
* Are their debt negotiators IAPDA Certified? This provides a level of experience far and above the average arbitrator
* Do they listen to and agree with your future goals and offer input to help reach them? As an experienced negotiations expert, I advise all consumers to reach out to and actualy talk to the person who will be negotiating for them.
*Do they have a clean BBB. The history of complaints will tell you about the practice the debt settlement and negotiations company you're considering.
* Memberships and associations are fine and well, but have nothing to do with the day to day operations of the company your looking at. The tell all will be "How You Feel after your first conversation with the person who will be negotiating for you, and the written guarantee they offer.
To start with, for a full month go "WITH OUT". Don't spend money on what you don't "HAVE TO HAVE". Doing this will keep money in your pocket rather than a bill in the mail. We all to often love to buy now and pay later. This type of spending is the root of most all debt related problems. Further this leads to additional personal, professional and family related failures. Only you can change this spending habit. In order to grow financially we have to accept change.
For most, credit card debt is a way of life. It is the same as PBJ. Yes, the banks have been charging us interest on our credit card debts for many years. But, as the banks get smarter in their lending, new options to resolve these credit card debts become available to consumers. Then, The bankruptcy laws change to favor the banks. Wow, no surprise there. Not sure, but who funded this campaign?
As consumer debt continues to mount into the trillions, our options become more clear. We need to lookout for number one, so we don't fall in number two. With mounted debt, and a consumer knowing they can not continue the path they are on, There must be change. Their credit record may show a high score, but the facts are, there is no "credit report", there is only a "debt report". As your debt to credit ration makes up 35% of your score, your score may read high, but your borrowing power is simply not there.
Back to taking care of number one. If you say to yourself "I need help with my bills" and I can't pay my credit cards debt, you need to stop and take inventory. Go over last months spending and add up how much was useless spending, and how much was common debt. common debt is the normal monthly cost to get by.
As a consumer you have many options available to resolve your credit card debt, and or other unsecured debt. Balance transfers, and or debt consolidation loans are not the way out as you can not borrow your way out of debt. Do not fall prey to debt consolidation. Why hand your home over to a credit card company?
Clear and viable options to both bankruptcy and debt consolidation are available. As the industry of debt settlement and negations continues to grow, there are vast options and benefits that are available for consumers with unsecured credit card debt.
Things to look for in a debt settlement and negotiations company:
* Do they offer 24 hour support? Your needs do not stop, and neither should the support.
* Are their debt negotiators IAPDA Certified? This provides a level of experience far and above the average arbitrator
* Do they listen to and agree with your future goals and offer input to help reach them? As an experienced negotiations expert, I advise all consumers to reach out to and actualy talk to the person who will be negotiating for them.
*Do they have a clean BBB. The history of complaints will tell you about the practice the debt settlement and negotiations company you're considering.
* Memberships and associations are fine and well, but have nothing to do with the day to day operations of the company your looking at. The tell all will be "How You Feel after your first conversation with the person who will be negotiating for you, and the written guarantee they offer.
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