Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Christian Debt Consolidation Company - Are Ethics Involved?

There are quite a few companies that carry the label of Christian debt consolidation and this may sound contrary to the beliefs of the Christian community. Many of these Christian debt companies push the belief that it is more Biblical to use the services of a company run or based on Christian principals.

Take some time to talk to people in the Christian community and you'll soon discover a debate on if Christians should go into debt at all. It does not matter if you are talking about debt for a home or credit card debt - money owed is money owed. Some believe that it is not OK to borrow for anything - home, auto, or anything.

Some use the justification that if the item is an asset with the potential to appreciate in value then it is OK. Another justification comes from the belief that if an item can produce income or is worth more than the amount owed or the repayment does not put extra pressure on the budget - it is fine.

These debt companies point to the scriptures as a guideline on debt and borrowing. For example they point to

(Romans 13:8) 'Owe no man any thing, but to love one another'. In Proverbs the writer warns, 'Just as the rich rule over the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender' (Proverbs 22:7). They also push the fact that biblically as a borrower they must pay back what is owed. 'The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously' (Psalm 37:21).

As a Christian it is difficult to be committed to serving the Lord and working in the church when you are burdened with debt and must put all your attention into working to cover debt. These companies hold a commitment to helping Christians get back on their feet financially on the road to being debt free. Getting control of your finances is an incredible empowering feeling.